El Fotógrafo del Medio Ambiente del año 2011 Ganador general y Calidad de Vida Ganador: Hogar sin Chan Kwok Por Colgado


El Fotógrafo Joven del Medio Ambiente del Año Ganador y Menores de 21 Años Ganador: Jóvenes Que estan Creciendo Por Meyrem Bulucek

Bulucek Meyrem de Rumania gañou coa imaxe conmovedora dunha parella de anciáns titulada  “Growing Young.

Información tirada do sitio

Bulucek Meyrem é unha fotógrafa rumana, autora nova de fermosas fotografías, como por exemplo

Collina da páxina arriba indicada. Chámame a atención a calidez das cores no contexto frío da neve. E os ollos fermosos da nena, mirando con expectación e inquietude. Eses son os ollos do que quere saber máis, do que necesita coñecer novos mundos. Por iso me gusta. Son grandes coma mundos (O grandor do mundo de Rafael Dieste, acabo de lembrar)

Mey is a truly modern photographer – she uses what’s around her and profits in the luck of a moment. Some of her photos are just taken with an iphone, which is astounding when you see the images that she can produce with this little ubiquitous piece of technology. See more of her work, and a brief interview with the artist, below.
location bucharest, romania for now and savannah, united states in less than a month.
favorite camera as long as it works, any camera. i’m not pretentious.
random fact about yourself i wash my hair with shampoo for men. weird, i know!
favorite subject matter to shoot to me, nothing is more beautiful than life and i try to capture as much of it as i can.
photographers you admire i adore sally mann.
what makes a terrible photo sometimes editing can make a good photo look bad.
why do you love photography i love photography for different reasons – it’s the way i show the world my world + it’s how i keep my memories alive + it has turned the shy me into a brave me (at least when i have a camera in my hand!)
do you do any other art? i paint and draw from time to time and i plan on making little films soon.

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